Grevinderne Internationale Show Team
… gennem en verden af oplevelser

Grevinderne er et internationalt showteam på 80 udtaget piger der gør elitegymnaster til artister i alderen 6 til 22 år. Grevinderne har siden starten i 1984 løbende udviklet et enestående elitekoncept til showgymnastik i verdensklasse kombineret med et fantastisk sammenhold for gymnaster, trænere og forældre. Holdet har fremført mere en 800 shows gennem 34 lande på 4 kontinenter gennem de mange år.


Grevinderne træner i Ramsøhallen 3 til 4 gange om ugen, og alle gymnaster er medlem af Gadstrup Gymnastik, Roskilde, ca. 30 km fra København. Allan Andersen grundlagde holdet i 1984 og siden da har holdet rejst over hele verden på 4 kontinenter og udført mere end 800 shows i 38 lande og i Danmark.

Holdet har i konkurrencer vundet mere end 87 medaljer i Danmark såvel som internationalt. I de sidste 28 år har holdet været en regelmæssig del af FIG Gymnastrada og Gym for life Challenge og har 7 gange været en del af Skandinaviens Evening Show. Grevinderne har vundet den britiske ministrada i England, Golden Medal i USA og vandt deres gruppe i Gym for Life Challenge i Sydafrika 2013, og deltager dermed i Final Shows. Som det første danske gymnastikhold kom Grevinderne i 2010 i det nationale tv-show TALENT og fortsatte i live-shows. Holdet har deltaget i tv i 12 lande. 

Holdet har i Gadstrup IF. et Aspirant og Talenthold, hvor men årligt kan komme til prøvetræninger mod at blive udtaget til truppen der ca. årligt optager mellem 5 – 10 nye gymnaster om året i aldrene 6 – 10 år. og fra de hold kan man blive udtaget til Eliteholdet. Holdet trænets af 12 – 14 udannet instruktører og ungledere der alle har været rundt med holdet gennem mange år. Alle der arbejder omkring holdet er frivillige ulønnet 


Skandinavian evening, Østrig 2019
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Grevinderne Internationale Show Team


Grevinderne is a international show team of 80 selected girls who turn elite gymnasts into artists aged 6 to 22 years. Since its starts in 1984, Grevinderne have continuously developed a unique elite show concept for world-class show gymnastics combined with a fantastic unity for gymnasts, coaches and parents. The team has performed more than 800 shows through 34 countries on 4 continents over the many years.


Grevinderne train in “Ramsøhallen” 3 to 4 times a week, and all gymnasts are members of Gadstrup Gymnastik, approx. 30 km from Copenhagen. Allan Andersen founded the team in 1984 and since then the team has traveled all over the world on 4 continents and performed more than 800 shows in 38 countries and in Denmark.

The team has won more than 87 medals in competitions in Denmark as well as internationally. For the past 28 years, the team has been a regular part of FIG Gymnastrada and Gym for life Challenge and has been part of Scandinavia’s Evening Show 7 times. Grevinderne have won the British ministrada in England, the Golden Medal in the USA and won their group in the Gym for Life Challenge in South Africa in 2013, thus participating in the Final Shows. As the first Danish gymnastics team, Grevinderne came in 2010 in the national TV show TALENT and continued in live shows. The team has participated in television in 12 countries.

The team has in Gadstrup IF. an Aspirant and Talent Team, where new gymnast can annually come to trial training against being selected for the squad there approx. annually admits between 5 – 10 new gymnasts a year at the ages of 6 – 10 years. and from those teams one can be selected for the Elite team. The team is trained by 12 – 14 trained instructors and youth leaders who have all been around with the team for many years.

Skandinavian evening, Østrig 2019
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